AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

eScriptEditorOption Enumeration

Options for the script editor (based on Ace editor)

Namespace:  AdvantageCMS.Web.UI
Assembly:  AdvantageCMS.Web.UI (in AdvantageCMS.Web.UI.dll)


public enum eScriptEditorOption


Member nameDescription
selectionStyle Defines the selection style can be "line" or "text". Default value "line".
highlightActiveLine highlightActiveLine can be set to false to disable highlighting of the currently active line. Default value true.
highlightSelectedWord highlightSelectedWord can be set to false to disable highlighting of the currently active word. Default value false.
readOnly readOnly defines if the editor is read-only. Default value false.
cursorStyle cursorStyle defines the value for the cursor style, either "ace", "slim", "smooth", "wide". Default value "ace".
behavioursEnabled behavioursEnabled true if enable custom behaviours Default value true.
wrapBehavioursEnabled wrapBehavioursEnabled true if enable custom wrap behaviours Default value true.
autoScrollEditorIntoView autoscrollEditorIntoView true if enable auto-scrolling editor into view "true", "false", "undefined" Default value undefined.
animatedScroll animatedScroll true if enable animated scrolling Default value false.
displayIndentGuides displayIndentGuides true if the indent should be shown. See 'showInvisibles' Default value false.
showInvisibles displayIndentGuides true if show the invisible tabs/spaces in indents Default value false.
showPrintMargin showPrintMargin true if show the vertical print margin Default value false.
printMarginColumn printMarginColumn number of columns for vertical print margin Default value undefined.
printMargin printMargin true|false|undefined: showPrintMargin | printMarginColumn Default value undefined.
showGutter showGutter true if show line gutter Default value true.
fadeFoldWidgets fadeFoldWidgets true if the fold lines should be faded Default value false.
showFoldWidgets showFoldWidgets true if the fold lines should be shown Default value true.
showLineNumbers showLineNumbers true if the line numbers should be shown Default value true.
highlightGutterLine highlightGutterLine true if the gutter line should be highlighted Default value false.
hScrollBarAlwaysVisible hScrollBarAlwaysVisible true if the horizontal scroll bar should be shown regardless Default value false.
vScrollBarAlwaysVisible vScrollBarAlwaysVisible true if the vertical scroll bar should be shown regardless Default value false.
fontSize fontSize number | string: set the font size to this many pixels Default value 14.
fontFamily fontFamily string: set the font-family css value Default value undefined.
maxLines maxLines number: set the maximum lines possible. This will make the editor height changes Default value undefined.
minLines minLines number: set the minimum lines possible. This will make the editor height changes Default value undefined.
maxPixelHeight maxPixelHeight number -> maxLines: set the maximum height in pixel, when 'maxLines' is defined. Default value 0.
scrollPastEnd scrollPastEnd number -> !maxLines: if positive, user can scroll pass the last line and go n * editorHeight more distance Default value 0.
fixedWidthGutter fixedWidthGutter true if the gutter should be fixed width Default value false.
scrollSpeed scrollSpeed number: the scroll speed index Default value 2.
dragDelay dragDelay number: the drag delay before drag starts. it's 150ms for mac by default Default value 0.
dragEnabled dragEnabled true if enable dragging Default value true.
focusTimout focusTimout number: the focus delay before focus starts. Default value 0.
tooltipFollowsMouse tooltipFollowsMouse true if the gutter tooltip should follow mouse Default value true.
firstLineNumber firstLineNumber number: the line number in first line Default value 1.
overwrite overwrite true if the overwrite should be activated Default value false.
newLineMode newLineMode "auto" | "unix" | "windows" Default value "auto".
useWorker useWorker true if use web worker for loading scripts Default value true.
useSoftTabs useSoftTabs true if we want to use spaces than tabs Default value true.
tabSize tabSize number: the number of spaces a tab is equal to Default value 4.
wrap wrap true if the lines should wrap Default value false.
indentedSoftWrap indentedSoftWrap true if the lines should wrap at the same indentation Default value true.
foldStyle foldStyle "markbegin" | "markbeginend" | "manual" Default value "markbegin".