AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

API Request

Making an API request requires no special framework. The basics for the request require:

  • Reference the JavaScript library.
  • Create the API request object and fill parameter
  • If the API is marked as secure, Authenticate must be set to 'true'
  • Make the synchronous call OR specify the callback functions (success, failure)

Secure API

Authentication is used via the implementation of the AdvantageSecureContentControllerHandler. This is a messaging handler that needs to be registered when you register the routing for the API in the Global.asax.

Using secure methods requires you to return a successful 'AdvantageAuthResponse' from the method "AuthenticateRequest" implemented in the handler. You must also set the Authenticate = true for the client API


For advanced calls where you wish to limit, filter or sort results there are parameters you may set. These are utilize the following enumerations.

  • Sort Direction - > advDirection = Object.freeze({ Asc: 'asc', Desc: 'desc' })
  • Data Type -> advDataType = Object.freeze({ String: 'string', Date: 'date', Boolean: 'boolean', Decimal: 'decimal', Integer: 'integer', UniqueIdentifier: 'uniqueidentifier' })
  • Comparison -> advCompare = Object.freeze({ Equals: 'equals', NotEquals: 'notequals', Like: 'like', NotLike: 'notlike', GreaterThan: 'greaterthan', GreaterOrEquals: 'greaterorequals', LessThan: 'lessthan', LessOrEquals: 'lessorequals', All: 'all' })


  • Index (optional index defined on the object) {"Key":"indexname","DataType":"index data type","Comparison":"comparitor","Value":"value to compare"}
  • AddFilter (optional array of 'where' criteria) [{"Key":"field name","DataType":"filter data type","Comparison":"comparitor","Value":"value to compare"}]
  • AddSort (optional array of sorting criteria) [{"field name","direction"}] FieldList (optional array of fields to populate) [{"field name"}] MaxRecords (optional maximum records to return '0' is all) SkipRecords (optional records to skip '0' is none)
  • MaxRecords (optional maximum records to return '0' is all)
  • SkipRecords (optional records to skip '0' is none)

Return Value

Return values for the API are standardized in the following Json Object

  • Data - > Array of items
  • Error -> Error message (nullable)
  • ResponseCode -> 200, 403, 404, 500

API Return Object


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			<!DOCTYPE html>
			<head runat="server">
			<title>API Field List</title>
			th, td {padding: 15px; vertical-align: top;}
			table {margin: 0 auto; border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 5px; border-collapse: collapse; border-spacing: 0;}
			<td><h1>API Field List</h1></td>
			<td>Select fields (blank for all)</td>
			<select multiple="multiple" id="fieldList" style="height: 300px;">
			<option value="Headline">Headline</option>
			<option value="Author">Author</option>
			<option value="Summary">Summary</option>
			<option value="NewsDate">NewsDate</option>
			<option value="Image">Image</option>
			<option value="NewsCategories">NewsCategories</option>
			<td><button id="callGetNews" onclick="getNews();">Get All News Items</button></td>
			<p><pre id="output" style="background: #fff;"></pre></p>
JS  Copy image Copy
			// Reference the client library
			<script src="AdvantageCMS.Resource.WebResource.axd?d=AdvantageAPI.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

			// Function to get all news items with only the fields selected (optional).
			function getNews() {
			// Create request
			var req = new AdvContentRequest("News", "en");

			// if secure is required
			// req.Authenticate = true;

			// if calling a different domain (advantage)
			// req.Host = '';

			// Example of returning only data selected through field list
			var fieldList = document.getElementById("fieldList");
			for (var i = 0; i < fieldList.options.length; i++) {
			if (fieldList.options[i].selected === true) {

			// Example of returning items based on an existing index
			// req.Index("Author", "Tom Wolfe", advDataType.String, advCompare.Equals);

			// Example of sorting items
			// req.AddSort("Author", advDirection.Desc);

			// Example of filtering records, not based on an index
			// req.AddFilter("NewsDate", "2023/01/01", advDataType.Date, advCompare.GreaterOrEquals);

			// Request the content and reference the promise for the success and failure result.
			advGetContent(req, showResult, showResult);

			// For a synchronous request, use the line below
			// var result = await advGetContent(req);

			function getNewsById() {
			var masterId = document.getElementById("txtMasterId").value;
			var req = new AdvContentRequestById("news", "en", masterId);

			// if secure is required
			// req.Authenticate = true;

			// if calling a different domain (advantage)
			// req.Host = '';

			advGetContent(req, showResult, showResult); // Get the data.

			function showResult(resp) {
			var pretty = JSON.stringify(resp.Data, undefined, 2);
			document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = "<pre>" + pretty + "</pre>";