AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

EditorSetting Members

The EditorSetting type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AutoHeight
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [automatic height].
Public property BodyWrapperClasses
Gets or sets the body wrapper classes.
Public property CustomClasses
Gets or sets the custom classes.
Public property CustomElements
Gets or sets the custom elements.
Public property Modules
Gets or sets the modules available for the editor.
Public property NewLineMode
Creates new linemode.
Public property Snippets
Gets or sets the snippets.
Public property StyleSheets Obsolete.
Gets or sets the style sheets.
Public property ToolbarMode
Gets or sets the toolbar mode.
Public property ToolsFile
Gets or sets the tools file.
Public property ToolsXml
Gets or sets the tools XML.