ToolListBaseControl Members
The ToolListBaseControl type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
Clear | ||
DataSourceAsDataTable |
Attempts to return a datasource as a datatable.
DefineGridColumns |
The column definitions
(Inherited from ToolListBase.) |
GetDataSource |
Default action will load the data fields defined in the BusinessObject. Method that can be overridden.
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
getModuleByID |
Gets the module by identifier.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
GetPageSessionObject(String) |
Gets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
GetPageSessionObject<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String) |
Gets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
GetParameter |
Gets the parameter.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
GetPrimaryObjectByMasterId<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Clears this instance.
Returns the Primary record for the item. It may be Draft, Publish, Historical Status.
GetPrimaryObjects<(Of <<'(T>)>>) |
Gets all primary records for the object type based on the publish status selected.
GotoObject |
Goto the object.
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
InitalizeDocumentEditor | (Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) | |
InitializeImageEditor | (Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) | |
InitializeRadEditor | (Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) | |
OnInit | (Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) | |
PageSessionObjectExists |
Pages the session object exists.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ReceiveActionArgs |
Receives the action arguments.
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
ReceiveToolActionArgs |
Receives the tool action arguments that were performed on teh record.
Refresh |
Refreshes this instance.
RefreshSections | (Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) | |
RegisterBottomScript(Literal) |
Registers the bottom script.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
RegisterBottomScript(PlaceHolder) |
Registers the bottom script.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
RegisterBottomScript(String, String) |
Registers the bottom script
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
RegisterTopScript(String, String) |
Registers the top script
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
RegisterTopScript(Literal) |
Registers the top script.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
RegisterTopScript(PlaceHolder) |
Registers the top script.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SendStatusMessage |
Sends the status message to the underlying CMSBasePage if it exists.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
setNavigationSubTitle |
Sets the navigation sub title.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Int32) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, String) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, DateTime) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Decimal) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Double) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Boolean) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Byte) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, SByte) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Int64) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Int16) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, UInt16) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, UInt64) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Single) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Char) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject(String, Guid) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
SetPageSessionObject<(Of <<'(T>)>>)(String, T) |
Sets the page session object.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ShowStatus(EngineEventArgs) |
Shows the status.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ShowStatus(String) |
Shows the status.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ShowStatus(String, String) |
Shows the status.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ShowStatus(String, eCMSEngineEventStatus) |
Shows the status.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ShowStatus(String, String, eCMSEngineEventStatus) |
Shows the status.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
UpdateDataSource |
Updates the data source.
Name | Description | |
ActiveDomains |
Gets the active domains.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
AdminDomain |
Gets the admin domain.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
AdminEngine |
Gets the admin engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
AdminIsSSL |
Gets a value indicating whether [admin is SSL].
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
AdminLanguage |
Gets the admin language.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
AdminLanguageID |
Gets the admin language identifier.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
CMSUsers |
Gets the CMS users.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ConfigurationEngine |
Gets the configuration engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
CSPNonce |
Gets the nonce value for Content-Security-Policy
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
CurrentSiteSettings |
The current site settings
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
CurrentSql |
Gets the current SQL.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
CurrentUser |
Gets the current user.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
DisplayTitle |
Gets the display title.
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
DomainEngine |
Gets the domain engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ListControl |
Gets or sets the list control.
ModuleEngine |
Gets the module engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
NavigationEngine |
Gets the navigation engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ObjectTypeID |
Gets the object type identifier.
(Inherited from ToolListBase.) |
ObjectTypeName |
The object type name
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
PageSizes |
Set the page sizes available when using paging.
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
PreviewKey |
Gets the preview key.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
ScriptManager | (Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) | |
ShowAddButton |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show add button].
ShowRefreshButton |
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [show refresh button].
TaskEngine |
Gets the task engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
UsePaging |
Enable paging for the List control
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |
UserEngine |
Gets the user engine.
(Inherited from CMSBaseUserControl.) |
Name | Description | |
SendActionArgs |
Occurs when [send action arguments].
(Inherited from ListBaseControl.) |