AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

ScriptManagerHelper Members

The ScriptManagerHelper type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member CreateJavascriptInclude
Creates the javascript include on the client side. var {varibleName}= document.createElement('script'); {varibleName}.src = '{url}'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild({varibleName});
Public method Static member GenerateJavascriptInclude
Generates the javascript include. var {varibleName}= document.createElement('script'); {varibleName}.src = '{url}'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild({varibleName});
Public method Static member GenerateStyleSheetInclude
Generates the style sheet include.
Public method Static member IsControlInPartialRendering
Determines whether the specified control is in partial rendering.
Public method Static member IsInAsyncPostBack
Determines whether the current postback is being executed in partial-rendering mode.
Public method Static member RegisterClientScriptBlock
Registers the client script block.
Public method Static member RegisterClientScriptInclude
Registers a script file which to be rendered each time an asynchronous postback occurs. Works only if ScriptManager control is existed on the page. Otherwise does nothing.
Public method Static member RegisterClientScriptResource
Registers a script file which to be rendered each time an asynchronous postback occurs. Works only if ScriptManager control is existed on the page. Otherwise does nothing.
Public method Static member RegisterStylesheetInclude
Registers the stylesheet include.
Public method Static member RegisterStyleTag