AdvantageCMS.Core.Common.BaseClasses Namespace
Advantage CSP

UrlUtil Members

The UrlUtil type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member GetParameter
Gets the parameter.
Public method Static member GetQuerystring
Gets the querystring.
Public method Static member IsSecureConnection(HttpRequest)
Determines whether the connection is secure connection for the specified request.
Public method Static member IsSecureConnection(HttpContext)
Determines whether the connection is secure connection for the specified request.
Public method Static member IsSecureConnection(HttpContextBase)
Determines whether the connection is secure connection for the specified request.
Public method Static member IsSecureConnection(RequestContext)
Determines whether the connection is secure connection for the specified request.
Public method Static member RemoveParameter
Removes the parameter.
Public method Static member RemoveParameters
Removes the parameters.
Public method Static member SetParameter
Sets the parameter.